60th NMOS Annual Meeting
The New Mexico Ornithological Society holds an annual meeting each spring. The meeting is held every even-numbered year in Albuquerque and every odd-numbered year in another location around the state. …
Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator
A mark of excellence you carry wherever you go
The New Mexico Ornithological Society holds an annual meeting each spring. The meeting is held every even-numbered year in Albuquerque and every odd-numbered year in another location around the state. …
The annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference attracts over 500 natural resources professionals in the fields of wildlife biology, fisheries and fisheries management, outreach and education, and law enforcement. The …
The International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM) is excited to announce the 53rd Annual Conference will be a hybrid event consisting of an in-person and a virtual attendance option. …
Eaton Hotel, Washington, D.C. June 4-7, 2023 This conference will bring together urban planners, researchers, city and county staff, students, educators, biologists, and ecologists of all backgrounds to highlight research, …
The Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) represents 24 states and Canadian provinces, an area covering nearly 3.7 million square miles of some of North America’s most wild …
Summer Conference & Winter Meeting WAFWA holds their annual meeting at their summer conference in July and winter business meeting in January. The host state for the summer meeting also …
SCB's 31st International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2023) will take place from July 23-27, 2023 in Kigali, Rwanda at the Kigali Convention Centre. ICCB is the premier global meeting for conservation scientists …
Join us for the 2023 71st International Wildlife Disease Association Conference! The need for an increased interest in wildlife health has been especially obvious since the start of the COVID-19 …
71st Annual International Conference of the WILDLIFE DISEASE ASSOCIATION; July 29-August 4th, 2023; Athens, Georgia;
Since 2003 Australian wildlife carers have gathered to meet, learn and share their experiences. Each conference has been held in a different location, and has featured presenters from around Australia …