Exam Accommodations for Candidates with Special Needs
Special testing arrangements may be made for candidates with special needs. A Request for Special Accommodations Form, available on the CWR website and as an appendix in the back of this handbook should be submitted with your application. The Request for Special Accommodations Form may also be submitted online through the CWR website. You will need to provide documentation to demonstrate candidate’s Specific Learning Disorder (SPL) or Emotional needs (ED) and that you require the accommodations you have requested. It should state the diagnosis and recommend reasonable accommodations.
Acceptable Documentation
- CWR Special Needs Application filled out and signed by a psychiatrist or psychologist (PsyD. or PhD
- A letter from a psychiatrist or psychologist (PsyD. or PhD) including diagnosis/es and a request for specific accommodations
- A neuropsychological evaluation/psychoeducational evaluation
- An Individual Education Plan (IEP) from secondary school/college
- A 504 plan
List of Acceptable Test Accommodations with Accompanying proof of Specific Special Needs
- Provide special test preparation
- Extended test times: 1.5 X; 2X
- Allow rest time or frequent breaks
- Instructions read aloud by proctor and reread as many times as requested
- Instructions reread aloud by proctor when page changes
- Questions read aloud by proctor and reread as many times as requested
- Frequent time prompts by proctor
- Prompts for redirection/on task performance by proctor
- Allow proctor to assist test-taker with organization of open-book materials
- Administer test in several timed sessions or over several days
- Scribe to write down or input answers
- Exams in alternate format (e.g., from multiple choice to essay)
- Use of assistive computer software (e.g., Optical Character Recognition, allowing scanned text to be read aloud by the computer’s sound card; or speech recognition for converting the spoken word to printed word on the computer screen)
- Provide any reasonable accommodation that a student needs that does not fit under the existing categories